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antville update 1.0.x nach 1.1.0
Erste schritte.. fürs archiv. zB.

hier selbige information:

a) tar xvfz helma-1.4.1.tar.gz
b) cd helma
c) cd apps
d) tar xvfz antville-1.1.tar.gz
e) mv antville-1.1 antville
f) cd antville/code
g) edit to be able to connect to db
h) edit helma/ like former config and add .. :
antville.appdir = apps/antville/code
h) cd helma/static; cp -r ../apps/antville/static/* .
i) it is helpful to start mysql with enabled logging to see wether
wether the helma/antville/mysql communication works and what
queries lead to errors.
--skip-locking --port=3306
j) patching mysql:
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch20030303.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch20030728.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch20031031.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch20030728.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch20031031.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20031007-skinsets.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20031123-layouts.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20031128-layouts2.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20031229.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20040214.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20040321.sql
mysql -v < antville_dbpatch-20040428.sql
k) edit helma/apps/antville/Root/actions.js
include convertSites.hac into it
l) call http://your.antville/convertSites
(look in the mysql logfile and see if it works)
m) remove convertSites function form Root/actions.js, not needed anymore
n) mysql -v < antville_dbpatch20030729.sql (droping not needed columns)
o) edit 11pre1_to_pre2.js from update/1.1pre1_to_pre2
line 24: layout -> Layout
p) cp 11pre1_to_pre2.js helma/apps/antville/Root/
p) stop helma
q) cd helma (where launcher.jar is located)
java -cp ./launcher.jar helma.main.launcher.Commandline antville.updateTo11pre2Part1
java -cp ./launcher.jar helma.main.launcher.Commandline antville.updateTo11pre2Part2
(look in the mysql logfile and see if it works)
r) start helma:
r) convert the former image directories to the new layout.
See update/1.1pre1_to_pre2/README.txt for that.
s) eventually edit helma/apps/antville/code/ to adjust
the static path.
recent versions of MySQL connector treat tinyint(1) columns as bit/boolean.
use antville;
alter table AV_TEXT modify TEXT_ISONLINE tinyint(4);
alter table AV_TEXT modify TEXT_EDITABLEBY tinyint(4);

// for converting the images / files directory

# start in the 'antville' directory
# then move the site directorys in images one up

cd images

for blog in *
if [ -d $blog ]; then
echo "creating directories for $blog"
mkdir $blog/images
mkdir $blog/files

for pic in $blog/*
if [ -f "$pic" ]; then
echo " mv $pic $blog/images/"
mv "$pic" $blog/images/

if [ -d ../files/$blog ]; then
for file in ../files/$blog/*
echo " mv $file $blog/files"
mv "$file" $blog/files
echo "xxxxxx $blog is no directory"

# -> ( [Macro error in site.url: Macro site.url not allowed in sandbox] main.css

use DBI;
# use strict;

$dbh = DBI->connect ('DBI:mysql:antville:', 'root', '',
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });

$sth = $dbh->prepare( "select skin_id,skin_source from AV_SKIN");
# $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select skin_id,skin_f_layout from AV_SKIN where skin_f_layout=2040");

while (($id, $source) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
# print "-------------\n";
# print "skin_id: $id\n";
# print "-------------\n";

if($source =~ s/site\.history.*?show/site.history limit/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

if($source =~ s/this\.author/story\.creator/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/story\.author/story\.creator/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/story\.title/story\.content part=\"title\"/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/storymgr\.storylist/storylist/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

if($source =~ s/this\.storylist/response\.storylist/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/site\.storylist/response\.storylist/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/topic\.storylist/response\.storylist/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/site\.topiclist/topiclist/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

# WRONG: skins
# RIGHT: layouts
if($source =~ s/( [Macro error in .**?)skins(.*?: Macro .**?)skins(.*? not allowed in sandbox] )/\1layouts\2/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

if($source =~ s/day\.storylist/response\.storylist/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/root\.systitle/root\.title/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

if($source =~ s/( [Macro error in .*comment.content.*?)width(.*?: Macro .*comment.content.*?)width(.*? not allowed in sandbox] )/\1cols\2/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/( [Macro error in .*comment.content.*?)height(.*?: Macro .*comment.content.*?)height(.*? not allowed in sandbox] )/\1rows\2/isg ){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

if($source =~ s/( [Macro error in .*)this.text(.*?: Macro .*)this.text(.*? not allowed in sandbox] )/\1story.content part="text"\2/isg ){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}

if($source =~ s/href=\"http:\/\/ [Macro error in site.alias: Macro site.alias not allowed in sandbox]\/stylesheet\"/href=\" [Macro error in site.url: Macro site.url not allowed in sandbox] main.css\"/isg){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/ [Macro error in site.url: Macro site.url not allowed in sandbox] stylesheet/ [Macro error in site.url: Macro site.url not allowed in sandbox] main.css/isg ){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
if($source =~ s/ [Macro error in site.url: Macro site.url not allowed in sandbox] javascript\">/ [Macro error in site.url: Macro site.url not allowed in sandbox] main.js\">/isg ){print $id.": ".$source."\n";}
Dienstag, 28. September 2004, 00:28, von axelk | |comment

nase, Dienstag, 28. September 2004, 00:32
auja, sie sind fleissig.

ah, update für blogger...


was man nicht so alles tut wenn man so halb krank urlaub hat :) hakelige zeitraubende angelegenheit.
hier ist auch ihrs falls sie einen blick riskieren möchten:

... link  

Ah. Jetzt kapiere ich auch den Referrer heute.

... link  

ja sie waren testpopfer .. bei ihnen hakelts noch etwas.

... link  

beim erstwohnsitz hatten wir die modernisierungsarbeiten ja schon, aber im bloggerland hat das echt gefehlt.

sie sind ein held :o)
(und ich mach urlaub, ganz krank...)

... link  

bei ihnen hakelts noch etwas.

Wehe. Nach Getriebe- und Kamera- hätte mir nur noch ein Blogschaden gefehlt. (Drei Kreuze mach!)

(OT Waren Sie schon auf der Unken- und Fröscheausstellung im EKZ Hamburger Strasse? Noch bis 2. 10.)

... link  

den unkenrufen zum trotz ...
.. sind ja bekanntermassen aller guten dinge drei.. danke für den tip der unken ausstellung. ich werde da heute mal hinreisen sofern es meine gesundheit zulässt.

... link