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Immer noch Texas ... //// Did you know you were going to shoot //off the top of a four year old girl's head // And look across her car-seat down into her skull // And see into her throat and did you know // that her dad would say to you, // "Please sir, can I take her body home?" // Oh wait, you totally did know... that that would happen // Cuz you're a jock who was too stupid and too greedy // And too unmotivated to do anything else but still be // The biggest and still do what other people tell you to do // You did it to still be a winner // You shot your grenade launcher into peoples windows and // Into the doors of peoples houses  // but you really wanted to shoot it at someone // just to see them blow up. // why should I care if  // you die?

'freedom is not free' klebt sich der hier der ami an seinen monstertruck. 'support our troops' klebt obligatorisch an jedem texanerauto..
'go lance' steht im busdisplay wechselnd mit zielort..
(passend dazu: Xiu Xiu::support our troops OH! (black angels Oh!) .. nebenbei bemerkt: die neue xiuxiu 'la foret' gibts. pox und bog people lassen mich lustig mit ipod auf dem kingsize hotelbett dazu königlich lustig rumhüpfen)
Freitag, 22. Juli 2005, 08:28, von axelk | |comment

siebenviertel, Freitag, 29. Juli 2005, 06:26
I like this picture a lot. very nice composition.
